Saturday, January 6, 2007

Back From AC

Hey all. I just got back from Atlantic City last night with my cousin Joe. We crammed like sardines into a Greyhound bus at 3am and arrived at our destination (after changing buses numerous times) about twelve hours later.

Atlantic City has over a dozen multi-million dollar casinos that stretch for miles across the New Jersey coastline. The blaze of bright lights shined down ironically over a run-down ghetto. It was a sad display of some of the worst aspects of capitalism. Poker didn’t go as good as I imagined it would. I’ll spare you my bad beat stories. I finished up overall in the cash games but failed to cash in a $220 tourney right off the bat and was a few from the bubble in a late night tourney at the Taj. This is one of the few times I didn’t pay for trip expenses through poker winnings on one of my excursions and I actually finished down a small amount in those games.

Overall, it was still fun to get out of Ohio for awhile. However, on my next trip I plan on getting far away from the stress and grind of poker. The game is still enjoyable to me but it’s been “my job” for quite some time now. How many of you (insert your job task here) on your ‘vacations’?

Po –


Posted by Po @ 2:04 PM