Sunday, January 21, 2007
Oh, but there's more to life than "fucking"
Let’s be clear. This is not an article on the meaning of life. This is merely an argument against an idea that many Atheists seem to hold true pertaining to our existence.Many people believe the reason behind human existence is simply to reproduce. This is flawed logic. Some folks in support of this idea are quick to make human evolutionary comparisons to that of insects and other forms of primitive life. It is clear that these creatures chief principle of being is indeed to prolong the life of the species. However, there is one fundamental characteristic that primitive life forms lack and that is intelligence. I think we can all agree that many species act almost entirely on instinct.
We may indeed be the products of our environment but we also have a much deeper understanding of ‘self’ (more so than any other species occupying this planet). I think it’s safe to assume that ants don’t think in terms of “I” or “we”. Western culture specifically embraces the individual and not the collective whole. Generally speaking the main goal of the human psyche is to achieve a merely subjective state of “happiness”. Happiness and pleasure seeking are universal and somewhat selfish cravings that every human has. This is why we surround ourselves with the things that we enjoy.
Humans are not having children to ‘save the species’ we are having children to fulfill certain personal and environmental desires. If the main goal of our existence was to reproduce do you think birth control and other contraceptive devices would be so prevalent in our society? Do you think so many of us would have sexual relationships with others (using contraceptive devices) if we weren’t doing so to merely achieve a state of pleasure?
I don’t claim to know all the answers, but I can assure the close minded Atheist (as I use to be one) that there is much more to human consciousness than instinctual reproductive data programmed into our minds.
NOTE: I am not implying that all Atheists are close minded. I am also not implying that I myself am not at least partially Atheist (yes, I know, it’s quite the paradox). I just generally notice Atheists making these false accusations as opposed to religious people that feel there is a truth to their reality (which is an entirely different topic).
Po –
Labels: articles
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Back From AC
Atlantic City has over a dozen multi-million dollar casinos that stretch for miles across the New Jersey coastline. The blaze of bright lights shined down ironically over a run-down ghetto. It was a sad display of some of the worst aspects of capitalism. Poker didn’t go as good as I imagined it would. I’ll spare you my bad beat stories. I finished up overall in the cash games but failed to cash in a $220 tourney right off the bat and was a few from the bubble in a late night tourney at the Taj. This is one of the few times I didn’t pay for trip expenses through poker winnings on one of my excursions and I actually finished down a small amount in those games.
Overall, it was still fun to get out of Ohio for awhile. However, on my next trip I plan on getting far away from the stress and grind of poker. The game is still enjoyable to me but it’s been “my job” for quite some time now. How many of you (insert your job task here) on your ‘vacations’?
Po –
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